Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and Serial Killers: Engaging Undergraduate Students in Innovative Psychology Programming (77075)
Session Chair: Atiqah Azhari
Thursday, 28 March 2024 11:10
Session: Session 2
Room: Room 607
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Three programs were developed to increase undergraduate enrollment in psychology. In Program 1, one-credit-hour, media-intensive Weekend Seminars (WS) were offered. Modeled after professional congresses, these seminars included “Psychopaths, Sociopaths, and Serial Killers,” “Sex, Drugs, and Rock n’ Roll,” and “Behavioral Addictions.” Theoretical frameworks, “symptoms,” and practical information, e.g., “how to avoid being targeted by a serial killer” and “protecting children from pedophiles” were presented. Group “problem-solving” tasks were included, e.g., attempting to identify the Gilgo Beach Killer. Student motivation for these courses included “curiosity,” “need” for credit hours, and “interest” in psychology. In Program 2, the International Psychology Congress Program (IPCP) was developed enabling advanced psychology majors to earn three-credit-hours attending conferences. Cultural immersion opportunities were provided. Post-congress, students developed a research proposal to operationalize in a follow-on course. In Program 3, a “psychology and social justice” course was developed with students intervening to help refugee youth in Lebanon. More than 50% of students enrolled in the IPCP have attended graduate school in psychology or a related field; a majority of the remaining students took employment in the field. This presentation will help attendees identify topics of interest for students, create these courses, and assess their impact on student satisfaction and interest in psychology and the neurosciences.
Hugh Van Auken, Holy Cross College at Notre Dame, United States
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Hugh Van Auken is an Adjunct Professor of Psychology at Holy Cross College at Notre Dame. His interests include development of innovative programming for psychology undergraduates and sport psychology practice and research with elite athletes.
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