Implementing ICT Subject Teaching of Lower Secondary Education in Cambodia Through International Cooperation (77574)
Session Chair: Ki-Sang Song
Thursday, 28 March 2024 16:15
Session: Session 4
Room: Room 702
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
As ICT technologies are changing rapidly and their economic and social impact is growing, many countries are incorporating ICT or informatics education into their formal curricula. Although many countries know the importance of introducing informatics education to students as early as possible, several challenges must be overcome to implement ICT education in the regular curriculum. The main obstacles are the availability of teachers who can teach ICT subjects, the availability of classrooms with ICT equipment, and the availability of relevant textbooks. Funded by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), Cambodia tries to implement the ICT curriculum into Cambodia's general lower secondary education curriculum to promote information and communication technology (ICT) and informatics education in the lower secondary education system and improve teachers' ICT subject teaching skills. In this paper, the detailed projects such as empowering teacher educators who train pre-service teachers for 2 years, improving the current ICT curriculum, developing textbooks for Grades 7 to 9, and pre-service training institutions, improving the ICT teaching environment, and supporting ICT-leading schools in four provinces are explained. The unique feature of this official development assistant (ODA) project is engaging with the Cambodia Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sport (MoEYS) curriculum to create an enabling environment for teaching a particular subject. Also, this paper describes how the ITU ICT SDG indicators, such as Indicator 4.4.1 on Skills for a Digital World, are utilized to measure the success of this project. Several issues related to the culture and context of the beneficiary country are described for similar projects in different countries and contexts.
Ki-Sang Song, Korea National University of Education, South Korea
About the Presenter(s)
Professor Ki-Sang Song is currenlty pursing AI in education system, studying on the Class Concentration Level of Learners Applying Facial Emotion Classification Technology (2021-2024, and international coopeartion project (2021-2026) funded by KOICA.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Thursday Schedule
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