Leadership in Academic Integrity and Educative Approaches Taken to Reduce Student Academic Misconduct (78375)
Session Chair: Lucie Zundans-Fraser
Thursday, 28 March 2024 10:30
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 603
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
Academic integrity and the use of generative artificial intelligence tools (GAIT) in the higher education context is an area of considerable academic concern. In this presentation the journey of academic integrity at Charles Sturt University, Australia will be explored from the initial development of policy in the academic misconduct space to academic integrity practices today. Decisions made at a macro level impact the day-to-day practices in the Faculty of Arts and Education. As knowledge and experience of academic staff in identifying instances of academic misconduct has increased, tensions between staff needing to use policy and procedures versus the limited practical experience of those tasked with leading policy development has become evident. In this presentation the policy and procedural drivers for dealing with academic misconduct will be examined; the history and particular context of academic integrity at Charles Sturt University will be provided; what the intersection of policy and practice means for academic integrity and the investigation of academic misconduct cases within the Faculty of Arts and Education; implications for leadership and tensions that exist; and how to best support academic integrity in the practice of students will be considered. The Faculty commitment to an educative approach where students are encouraged to use artificial intelligence tools to support and enhance their work rather than using artificial intelligence to engage in misconduct behaviours will be highlighted.
Lucie Zundans-Fraser, Charles Sturt University, Australia
About the Presenter(s)
Professor Lucie Zundans-Fraser is currently Deputy Dean in the Faculty of Arts and Education at Charles Sturt University, Australia.
See this presentation on the full schedule – Thursday Schedule
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