Enhancing Research Communication Skills of Biomedical Science Graduate Students Through Entrepreneurial Activities (78893)
Session Chair: Kyoko Hombo
Thursday, 28 March 2024 10:30
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 707
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
In the shift towards Society 5.0 proposed by the Japan Cabinet Office, graduate schools in Japan are expected to play a significant role in the development of 'knowledge professionals', leading to the increased production of knowledge and value creation. To this end, graduate students are increasingly required to enhance transferable skills, including those not only related to conducting but also communicating research. Graduate students are committed to a research-centred lifestyle; however, students regularly conduct science research presentations in laboratories or academic conferences. Thus, they are not accustomed to communicating their research findings to non-technical people. This study introduces an attempt to lead students to enhance their research communication skills by focusing on the value of their research beyond research publications. A traditional medical oral presentation credit module was altered into a module with pitch activities. The module was held in English and for a group of graduate students in biomedical sciences at a national university in Japan. The students were exposed to communicating the social significance and impact of their research through a mock entrepreneurial pitch on how the research findings could impact society. The students’ self-reflection revealed that the pitch activities contributed to enhancing their research communication skills. Furthermore, the module also contributed to students gaining an awareness of pitching skills as necessary to excel as researchers.
Kyoko Hombo, Osaka University, Japan
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Kyoko Hombo is a University Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer at Osaka University in Japan
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