Using Task-Technology Fit to Analyze the Adoption of Google Workspace for Education in Teaching and Learning Process (79024)
Session Chair: Nagayuki Saito
Wednesday, 27 March 2024 17:20
Session: Session 5
Room: Room 707
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
In addition to the efficiency of teaching and learning activities, the important point of the development of technology in education is the aspect of collaborative work. Collaboration is a crucial skill, encouraging teachers and students to integrate technology for a more meaningful teaching and learning experience. Google Workspace for Education (GWE) is designed to promote the digital transformation in education and highlights the collaborative functionality in its solution’s features. This ongoing study investigates the technology adoption in an Indonesian institution, by correlating Task-Technology Fit (TTF) in the context of teaching-learning activities and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT-2). The study aims to explore a comprehensive view of technology adoption and its usage by considering teachers’ and students’ beliefs, and their behavior towards the development of technology in education. Furthermore, the study aims to identify the factors influencing technology adoption and the effectiveness of its implementation in real-world contexts. A preliminary study was conducted by using a qualitative-method approach that involved teachers and students from a private school in West Java, Indonesia. The finding shows a mismatch between teachers’ beliefs towards the role of technology in education with their knowledge of Google Workspace. This finding is important to design a method to train teachers and students on how to introduce GWE and how to familiarize them to work collaboratively in accomplishing tasks more efficiently and effectively.
Christianus I Wayan Eka Budiartha, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
Anak Agung Ngurah Perwira Redi, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
Filscha Nurprihati, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
Faradillah Haryani, Sampoerna Univeristy, Indonesia
Giovanni Richard Halim, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
Aulia Rachmah, Sampoerna University, Indonesia
About the Presenter(s)
Giovanni Richard Halim is an enthusiastic pre-service teacher, studying at Sampoerna University, passionate about learning and understanding the best methods to bring knowledge and reasoning to students.
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