Rhythm Analysis of Aural Immersive Narratives in Fuzho with Fujian Jiangxia University Art and Design Students (73581)
Session: On Demand
Room: Virtual Video Presentation
Presentation Type: Virtual Presentation
Aural immersive narratives have gained significant attention in recent years as a novel and engaging medium for storytelling. This study aims to investigate the rhythm analysis of aural immersive narratives among students studying at Fujian Jiangxia University. The research focuses on understanding the interplay between auditory elements and narrative structures, and how they contribute to the overall immersive experience. The research participants consist of undergraduate students from diverse art and design backgrounds at Fujian Jiangxia University. They are exposed to a range of aural immersive narratives, including audio captures of site specific spaces. Through the analysis of their subjective experiences, the study aims to identify patterns and variations in rhythm perception, pacing, and the manipulation of sound elements within the narratives. To accomplish this, a sound ethnographic methodology was employed, allowing for an in-depth exploration of the students' experiences with aural narratives. The students were asked to record the sounds of 5 spaces in Fuzhou. Study combines qualitative interviews, participant observations, and audio recordings to gather rich and comprehensive data. The findings of this study contribute to the growing field of aural storytelling and immersive media by shedding light on the role of rhythm in enhancing narrative engagement. Additionally, the research provides insights into how Chinese students perceive and respond to aural narratives, offering valuable implications for the design and development of future immersive storytelling experiences.
Timi O'Neill, University of Wales Trinity Saint David, United Kingdom
Xiaoxue Mei, Fujian Jiangxia University, China
About the Presenter(s)
Mr Timi O'Neill is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at UWTSD in United Kingdom
See this presentation on the full schedule – On Demand Schedule
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