Jane Singer


Dr Jane Singer is Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies (GSGES), Kyoto University, Japan. She has a Master of International Affairs degree specialising in economic and political development from the School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University, New York, and a PhD from GSGES, Kyoto University, focusing on development-forced displacement and resettlement. Her principal research focus is migration and displacement, with recent research investigating dam-displaced ethnic minority communities in central Vietnam and community resilience for government-sponsored transmigrants in Sumatra, Indonesia. Her other principal research focus is campus sustainability and tertiary education for sustainability. Her recent publications include two edited books, Global Implications of Development, Disasters and Climate Change: Responses to Displacement from Asia Pacific (2015, with Susanna Price) and Educating for Sustainability in Japan: Fostering Resilient Communities after the Triple Disaster (2016, with Tracey Gannon, Fumiko Noguchi and Yoko Mochizuki), both published by Routledge.

Spotlight Presentation | Applying a Rights-Based Approach in Investigating Repatriation of Fukushima's Nuclear Refugees

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