Coping Strategies and Fatigue Among Undergraduate Students (77657)
Session Chair: Pattarakorn Khamsuprom
Thursday, 28 March 2024 10:30
Session: Session 1
Room: Room 605
Presentation Type: Oral Presentation
This research investigates and compares coping strategies and fatigue levels among undergraduate students. We sampled 345 individuals using a stratified random technique. Quantitative data was collected through fatigue and coping strategy questionnaires, while qualitative insights were obtained via focus group discussions with 12 participants to explore their approaches to coping with fatigue. Data analysis employed descriptive statistics and One-way ANOVA. Qualitative data was thematically categorized. The results indicate that on the whole, undergraduate students experience moderate fatigue. Predominantly, students utilize problem-focused, avoidance, and seeking information or assistance from others as their coping strategies. Comparing fatigue levels based on these coping strategies reveals that students favoring avoidance reported higher fatigue levels compared to those preferring to seek information or assistance from others or adopting a problem-focused approach. Insights from the focus groups unveil a diverse range of coping methods for fatigue, including addressing the root causes, seeking mental solace, consulting professionals when necessary, taking relaxation breaks, and at times, opting to avoid the issues entirely. In conclusion, the adoption of positive coping strategies can effectively reduce fatigue, promote psychological well-being, reduce mental health problems, and enhance the overall quality of life among undergraduate students.
Natthawut Arin, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
Pattarakorn Khamsuprom, Chiang Mai University, Thailand
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Natthawut Arin is a University Assistant Professor/Lecturer at Chiang Mai University in Thailand
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