Examining Underprepared Students (79000)
Session Chair: Obie Noe Madalang
Friday, 29 March 2024 14:55
Session: Session 4
Room: Room C (Live Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
Universities in Japan have been suffering from a shortage of applicants owing to the declining number of 18-year-old population. To secure intake quotas and finances, many universities have been accepting many underprepared students, which may result in an increase in academically low-proficiency students. In these situations, the role of placement has become increasingly important. Placement tests were administered to new students to measure their knowledge of various subject areas. They are used to place students in appropriate classes. It ensures proficiency-based learning and provides individuals with equitable and relevant learning opportunities. With such diagnoses, it is possible to identify unprepared students who require appropriate and effective support, and the necessary interventions should be considered. However, further information on individual students is necessary to better understand these underprepared students. This study aims to examine underprepared students. Their English proficiency levels, vocabulary sizes, educational backgrounds, admission styles, attitudes and perceptions toward English learning, and GPA were revealed. The analysis involves numerical presentation, distributions, frequency, and correlations. This study identified correlations between these factors. It was also found that underprepared students had distinctive characteristics compared to students whose proficiency levels were not low. It is hoped that the results of this study will help build an appropriate and supportive educational environment as well as provide better predictions of early failure (possible dropout).
Minako Inoue, Health Science University, Japan
About the Presenter(s)
Dr Minako Inoue is a University Professor/Principal Lecturer at Health Science University in Japan
See this presentation on the full schedule – Friday Schedule
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