Profile of At-Risk Students in MPSPC Tadian Campus (79014)
Session Chair: Obie Noe Madalang
Friday, 29 March 2024 15:20
Session: Session 4
Room: Room C (Live Stream)
Presentation Type: Live-Stream Presentation
The Retention Rate in Mountain Province State Polytechnic College-Tadian Campus within the past five years is low at 66% while the Graduation Rate is even lower at 47%. Obviously, this is not an encouraging statistic but before one can suggest solutions to improve this existing condition, one has to determine the factors causing the prevalence of at-risk students or students likely not to pursue or finish their studies. The following problems were answered in this study: What percentage of students currently enrolled in campus are considered to be at-risk? What are the likely factors that put these students at-risk? What actions may be done to provide support to the students in minimizing or preventing the possibility of their dropping out at the same time raising the retention and graduation rate in the campus?
Through descriptive survey using questionnaire, interview, and background investigation on all the currently enrolled students, eighty three (83) per cent of the total student population in the campus consider themselves at-risk and have a great chance of not finishing their studies due learning challenges caused by insufficient pre-college preparation or slow learning capacity, problematic family situation, unsupportive or discouraging faculty and staff, unpleasant or hostile school environment, and off-campus distractions such as vices and other diversions. Majority of the informants recognized the need for counselling, restructuring of school policies, tutoring, and community involvement in order for them to survive college. These recommended solutions are all dependent on the responsiveness of the school administration.
Obie Noe Madalang, Mountain Province State Polytechnic College, Philippines
About the Presenter(s)
Dr. Madalang is an Associate Professor at Mountain Province State Polytechnic College, Philippines actively involved in indigenous and English language pedagogy research.
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