The Importance of ESG-Related Concept in Higher Education (76216)
Monday, 25 March 2024 15:00
Session: Poster Session 1
Room: Orion Hall (5F)
Presentation Type: Poster Presentation
In recent years, ESG-related (Environmental, social, and governance) issues and risks are received prominent attention. Understanding how ESG related to education and business environment is especially important because persistent-related issues have increasingly grown over time. The purpose of this study aims to understand ESG information and integrate ESG-related concept into higher education framework. Our study is especially important because the higher education plays an important role not only in professional skills training, but also in business environment connecting. In research results, this study suggests that ESG risk concept as a medium is one of effective communicating strategies to bridge the gap between theory and practice. Additionally, understanding ESG-related issues and risks not only can help students complement professional skills, but also provides a chance to address persistent problems in the future.
Ya-Fang Wang, Providence University, Taiwan
Ching-Chih Chao, Providence University, Taiwan
See this presentation on the full schedule – Monday Schedule
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